I admit, the "Ultimate Growing System" not only works but also accelerates the growing of the seeds. The ones I planted in the clay pots took between 7 and 14 days to pop up, while the ones in the UGS pellets started to grow 4 days after the sowing. This also means that the seeds have a good quality (I bought them from www.burpee.com and www.mypatriotsupply.com), because almost all have popped.
(Please, forgive me for the quality of the picture, I did it with my iPhone). As you can see, I have my first sprouts. Starting from the first row, from the right and going to the left: borage, chamamille and thyme. The first cell starting from the bottom left is oregano, and there's another borage in the following row.
At this point, I've decided to stop sowing and focus on the plants that I already have. In a couple of weeks I'll need to fertilize the new ones and probably buy new and bigger pots for the older ones. Also, I will probably have more sprouts so I will be busy. Now it's the most complicated part of the process, being patient and constant!
(Please, forgive me for the quality of the picture, I did it with my iPhone). As you can see, I have my first sprouts. Starting from the first row, from the right and going to the left: borage, chamamille and thyme. The first cell starting from the bottom left is oregano, and there's another borage in the following row.
At this point, I've decided to stop sowing and focus on the plants that I already have. In a couple of weeks I'll need to fertilize the new ones and probably buy new and bigger pots for the older ones. Also, I will probably have more sprouts so I will be busy. Now it's the most complicated part of the process, being patient and constant!
He de decir que la técnica de siembra con el "Ultimate Growing System" no solo funciona, sino que acelera el proceso de germinado unos cuantos días. Cuando planté las semillas en maceta tardaron entre 7 y 14 días en germinar, mientras que con este sistema empezaron a aparecer al cuarto. Esto también quiere decir que acerté comprando las semillas en las webs que ya comenté (www.burpee.com y www.mypatriotsupply.com), porque realmente han germinado prácticamente todas las que he plantado.
(Disculpad la calidad de la foto, las hago con el iPhone). Como veis, tengo los primeros brotes. Empezando por la primera fila, arriba a la derecha y hacia la izquierda: borraja, manzanilla, tomillo. La primera celda empezando por abajo a la izquierda es orégano, y hay otra plantita de borraja en la fila siguiente.
Llegados a este punto, he decidido dejar de plantar semillas y concentrarme en las plantas que ya tengo, que no son pocas la verdad. En un par de semanas va a tocar fertilizarlas y probablemente trasplantar alguna y seguramente el resto de las que faltan por germinar ya lo habrá hecho, con lo cual voy a tener suficiente trabajo. Ahora queda la parte más complicada, tener paciencia y ser constante!